プログレライブ所有音源 - Karfagen -
1.01 stars of cardiff bay
1.02 sylph
1.03 mirrors
1.04 rain drops
1.05 magician's theater
1.06 magician's spell
1.07 isolation part 4
1.08 journey through the looking glass
1.09 a winter tale part 2
1.10 visionary sights
1.11 as far as the eye can see
1.01 another friday night
1.02 shall we run?
1.03 rain drops
1.04 the reason why
1.05 visionaly sights
1.06 grail and time
1.07 the invisible line
1.08 out of the darkness
1.09 close to heaven
1.10 amused fair
1.11 father
1.12 a day without rain