プログレライブ所有音源 - Supersister -
1.01 introduction / present from nancy
1.02 mexico / metamorphosis / eight miles high
1.03 a girl named you
1.04 enegy / higher
1.05 judy goes on holiday
1.06 radio
1.07 mexico
1.01 present from nancy
1.02 memories are new
1.03 radio
1.04 mexico
1.05 wow
1.06 pudding en gisteren
1.07 she was nacked
1.08 judy goes on holiday
1.01 present from nancy
1.02 memories are new
1.03 mexico
1.04 a girl naked you
1.05 no tree will grow
1.06 judy goes on holiday
2.01 corporation combo boys
2.02 6 blauwe dwergen
2.03 enegy (out of future)
2.04 pudding en gisteren
2.05 she was naked
2.06 radio
2.07 wow - the story
2.08 wow